Research Permits
All researchers and scholars intending to conduct research in Cameroon must obtain a research permit from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI), and may require permits from other ministries.
We offer researchers and students a regional hub of research, innovation, and capacity building in the Congo Basin whether at our Yaoundé accommodations, education facilities, research facilities, or field stations.
CBI strongly encourages robust collaboration with Cameroonian researchers. Local collaborators are also required for research permits issued by the Government of Cameroon. We recommend that visiting international scientists promote substantive collaboration by integrating local researchers into the design of the project, budgeting for funds to support local collaborators, and analyzing data in partnership with local collaborators.
All researchers and scholars intending to conduct research in Cameroon must obtain a research permit from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI), and may require permits from other ministries.
Accommodations for researchers and students visiting Cameroon are available at Center for Tropical Research—Bastos in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Classrooms, meeting space, a GIS research and training facility, molecular genetics laboratory, plant, soil, and water analytical laboratories, plant tissue culture laboratory, and entomology and pathology laboratories.
Two field stations, one in a mature tropical forest site in the Dja Faunal Reserve, and another in a mixed secondary forest/agricultural site.