Cameroonian researcher 13
Researchers hiking into Bouamir.

Research Permits

All researchers and scholars intending to conduct research in Cameroon must obtain a research permit from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation

Your Cameroonian collaborators also require research permits, and it's common practice for international researchers to pay for the permit costs of local research partners, especially local student permits. The application can be submitted directly to MINRESI in Cameroon, through a partner at a Cameroonian university or research institution, or with assistance from CTR Cameroon.

Applying for research permits

Depending on proposed research topics, techniques and localities, various permits may be required in addition to the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI) permit:

Wildlife researchers and researchers working in protected areas need to obtain a research permit from the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF).

Researchers wanting to undertake research involving human subjects will require an ethical clearance from the National Ethics Committee, and if the work touches on medical issues this will require an administrative clearance from the Ministry of Public Health. Additional information is available on request.

Researchers wanting to work in the Bouamir Research Station will need approval from the Bouamir Research Station management committee. Additional information is available on request.

Researchers wanting to export specimens from Cameroon will need an export permit from the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF). Additional customs requirements may be needed depending on what is to be exported. Additional information is available on request.

There are new requirements in Cameroon regarding the use of genetic resources and traditional knowledge as part of the implementation of Access and Benefits Sharing (ABS) under the Nagoya Protocol. A copy of the ABS regulations for Cameroon is available for download here — we recommend you familiarize yourself with the new requirements.

As part of our mission to promote high-quality research in Central Africa, Center for Tropical Research—Cameroon can assist researchers in applying for MINRESI and MINFOF research permits. The application can be submitted directly to MINRESI and MINFOF in Cameroon, through a partner at a Cameroonian university or research institution, or with assistance from CTR Cameroon for a processing fee ranging from $500 - $1000 depending on the permit requested.

Researchers wishing to apply for permits should begin the process 6 months before they plan to travel to Cameroon, 8 months if MINFOF permits are also required.

Center for Tropical Research—Cameroon cannot guarantee outcomes and delivery of permits but can help to lodge applications and follow up prior to your arrival in Cameroon.

MINRESI Research Permit MINFOF Research Permit MINFOF Export Permit Ministry of Public Health Bouamir Management Committee CTR Assistance Time Frame
Research in protected areas or with wildlife X X X 4 months
Undertaking human subjects research X X
Research at Bouamir Field Station X X X X 4 months
Exporting specimens from Cameroon X X X 4 months



Procedure for MINRESI Research Permits

The Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation requires that researchers work with a Cameroonian researcher from a local academic or research institution. The application can be submitted directly to MINRESI in Cameroon, through a partner at a Cameroonian university or research institution, or with assistance from CTR Cameroon for a processing fee ranging from $500 - $1000 depending on the permit requested. 

For assistance with MINRESI permits, information about permitting costs, and help in identifying local collaborators, please contact:

To apply for a permit through CTR Cameroon, please send the following documents to

A scanned copy of passport of researcher(s).

An outline of the research topic/research protocol and planned research sites.

A timeline of the research activities in Cameroon.

A completed MINRESI research permit application form (one for each member of the team if applicable).

A completed MINRESI CV form for each applicant.

Passport-sized photos of each researcher ready to print.

The name of a Cameroonian researcher who will be the local collaborator.*

The name of a Cameroonian student who will work on the project.*

* CTR Cameroon can assist in identifying collaborators and securing necessary paperwork

Procedure for MINFOF Scientific Research Permits

The application can be submitted directly to MINFOF in Cameroon, through a partner at a Cameroonian university or research institution, or with assistance from CTR Cameroon for a processing fee ranging from $500 - $1000 depending on the permit requested. 

If you would like CTR Cameroon to assist you to acquire a research permit from MINFOF, send the following documents to

A copy of your MINRESI permit(s).

Passport-sized photos of each researcher ready to print.

An outline of the research topic/research protocol and planned research sites.

If you choose to have CTR Cameroon assist with the MINFOF research permit, you should initiate the process four months before arrival in Cameroon.


Research Reports

After concluding your research, all researchers must make a written report which CTR Cameroon will submit to the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation.

This report should briefly summarize the research work undertaken in country and the planned next steps. Any resulting publications should be emailed to CTR Cameroon so they can be passed on to the relevant Ministries and agencies. We would also like to post this report on this website.

Collaboration & sample collections

Increasing the capacity of central African scientists is a core element of CBI’s mission. In addition to connecting foreign and Cameroonian researchers, we strongly encourage visiting researchers to consider the following when planning their research trips:

  1. Work with local collaborators and students to develop common research proposals.
  2. Budget for local students and collaborators to curate or process the samples in country.
  3. Foster collaborations such that local students and researchers have contributed meaningfully to be included on any publication resulting from the research.
  4. When sample collections are planned, please consider leaving samples in Cameroon for further local research.

    CBI can also assist in finding collaborators so samples can be housed in Cameroon.