“local knowledge”

Concentrated Distribution of Wild Yam Patches: Historical Ecology and the Subsistence of African Rainforest Hunter-Gathers

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UCLA- 2017 Field Biology Quarter Student reports Bouamir Research Station - Dja Faunal Reserve

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Address the wild yam question: how Baka hunter-gatherers acted and lived during two controlled foraging trips in the tropical forests of southeastern Cameroon

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A preliminary report on the diversity of forest lanscape recognitiion among the Baka hunter-gathers in Eastern Cameroon

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Resilience des Baka face aux mutations socio environnementales (Cameroun)

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Perceptions of ecosystem services provided by tropical forests to local populations in Cameroon

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Diversity and similarity relateing to plant knowledge among baka hunter gathers in southeast cameroon

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Hunting territories and land use overlap in sedentarised Baka Pygmy communities in southeastern Cameroon

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The management of Wild Yam Tubers by the Baka Pygmies of Southern Cameroon

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Visions from Local Populations for Livelihood-Based Solutions to Promote Forest Conservation Sustainability in the Congo Basin

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