
Testing alternative hypothereses for evolutionary diversification in an african songbird: rainforest refugis versus ecological gradients

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Character displacement of song and morphology

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Evidence for ecotone speciation across an African rainforest-savanna gradient

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Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the black-bellied seedcracker (Pyrenestes ostrinus)

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Patterns of Variation in MHC Class II β Loci of the Little Greenbul (Andropadus virens) with Comments on MHC Evolution in Birds

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A comparison of variation between a MHC pseudogene and microsatellite loci of the little greenbul (Andropadus virens)

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The roles of rivers and pleistocene refugia in shaping genetic diversity in Praomys misonnei in tropical Africa

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A Role for Ecotones in Generating Rainforest Biodiversity

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A test of alternative models of diversification in tropical rainforests: Ecological gradients vs. rainforest refugia

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Habitat-dependent song divergence in the Little Greenbul: An analysis of environmental selection pressures on acoustic signals

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