“deforesatation and degredation”

Detecting vulnerability of humid tropical forests to multiple stressors

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Deforestation Impacts on Biodiversity Conservation in the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon

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Human Impacts Flatten Rainforest-Svanna Gradient and Reduce Adaptive Divesity in a Rainforest Bird

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National forest cover change in Congo Basin: deforestation, reforestation, degredation and regeneration for the years 1990, 2000 and 2005

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Rapport de mission de suivi reactif conjoint unesco/uicn a la reserve de faune du dja

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La gestion forestiere en bordeure de la Reserve de faune du Dja

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Prevalence and diversity patterns of avian blood parasites in degraded African rainforest habitats

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Assessing the impact of China’s timber industry on Congo Basin land use change

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