Dispositifs permanents pour le suivi des forets en Afrique Centrale: un etate des lieux Continue reading →
Deforestation Impacts on Biodiversity Conservation in the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon Continue reading →
Coca-based agroforestry systems and its potential for tree resource conservation around the Dja Biosphere Reserve Southeastern Cameroon Continue reading →
Cadre fonctionnel pour la gestion integreeet durable du massif forestier Ngoyla-Mintom Continue reading →
Perceptions of ecosystem services provided by tropical forests to local populations in Cameroon Continue reading →
Biodiversity comparison between three contrasted land uses in South-Easterb Cameroonian moist forests: A protected area, community forests an a certified logging concession Continue reading →
Current and historical factors influencing patterns of species richness and turnover of birds in the Gulf of Guinea highlands Continue reading →