GCRF Cameroon Policy Workshop March 2022
The Congo Basin Institute (CBI) held a two-day policy workshop from 30-31 March 2022 under the auspices of Cameroon's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, to examine the implementation of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) TRADE Hub project.

In his opening speech, the Minister of Agriculture, H.E. Gabriel Mbairobe, expressed Cameroon's happiness to welcome the GCRF TRADE Hub project which addresses a global challenge that has led to dramatic decline in biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.
The workshop aimed at sharing insights on key commodity value chains, identifying their “sustainability status” and identifying key needs and means for improving the status through trade and trade-related policies on major agricultural commodities.

The government of Cameroon is happy to welcome the GCRF TRADE Hub project which addresses a global challenge that has led to dramatic decline in biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.
The Cameroon cocoa trade policy is to raise the national trade from 292,471 tons to 600,000 tons based on intensification, densification, and recolonization of lowland and savannah among others. The outcomes of this project will definitely inform national policy-decisions.